Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So, it is almost just barely September (in oh....2 1/2 hours) and we already have a hurricane eyeballing us. A big hurricane, at that. The last time I can remember any decent hurricane was Floyd back in about 2001. Everyone says we are due. I wonder if they are right.

I guess we should start making preparations. We have the portable power supply charging, are stocking up on food on Thursday, going to fill the bathtubs Thursday night (for all of you non-Eastcoasters/ non-Gulfcoasters this water is for drinking. It's easier and cheaper than buying bottled water), gassing up the generator, etc. I supposed if the storm is still on its current track on Thursday and we will masking tape the windows and bring in all the lawn stuffs.

I have never been through a hurricane w/ power outages with kids. We lost power w/ Floyd back in the day, but not for long, less than 24 hours, although most people in this area lost it for a week or more. I'd hate to go through that with kids. Man, that would suck.

So, off to the supermarket w/ all the last minute loonies in the area trying to buy up the last of the non-perishables to stock the cabinets. What a way to celebrate the last weekend of summer.

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