So much for updating this thing. I read so many blogs, you'd think I could remember to update my own.
Anyway, it is now 2012. I would say the obligatory "Good riddance to 2011. Worst year yet!," but I have to say that 2011 was much better to us than 2010 was. Here's to hoping 2012 will be a great year!
Hmmmm...what has been going on with us? Let's see....
1. Reagan has adjusted well to school. She loves to go and see her friends and misses it when they have days off. She is so ready to go back from the holidays.
2. Aftan is doing good. Getting taller, as usual. I think someone forgot to tell her that you are supposed to not grow so fast after the age of 2 or 3. :)
3. Reagan just turned 3, and we just barely met our goal of being potty trained by 3. She has been accident-free for a week now and has been going out of the house in undies.
4. Aftan has her first loose tooth. It is really loose and I thought it would have fallen out by now, but nope. Just hanging in there. I can see her adult tooth behind it, so I am hoping it falls out soon.
5. I got semi-furloughed at my job. That's been fun times, but we are managing.
6. The in-laws so graciously provided us w/ two months worth of membership dues at the Y, so we are going to start exercising and eating healthier. That is my New Year's resolution....just be more healthy in general and lose about 40 pounds. (Not saying it wouldn't hurt to get into some skinny jeans. #just saying)
That's it really. We are boring people. No wonder I don't update this thing more often.
Let's see if I can muster up a recent photo of the kids.